Suitable for
Echinacea For Horses & Dogs
What is Echinacea Pallida?
Echinacea is a common plant, particularly in North America, with purple of white flowers, which grow to a height of approximately 3 feet. It is sometimes referred to as the coneflower and has been used for centuries as a treatment for colds, flu and general infections. With increasing attention being given to immune deficiency diseases echinacea is fact becoming a significant and important substance, which is attracting considerable research time.
How does echinacea pallida work?
Echinacea pallida acts as a stimulant to 'effector calls' ( effector cells work against ALL foreign, invading microbes and are non selective) and thus increases the activity of the entire immune system. Certain species of echinacea have been found to stimulate the production of interferon and increase the activity of macrophages (one of the major cells responsible for the destruction of invading microbes).
Available in 100 gm, 500 gm, and 1kg pouches.