About The Animal Health Company
With market leading products, numerous awards and an impressive amount of media coverage, The Animal Health Company remains at the very forefront of animal care
The Animal Health Company produce a leading range of complementary feeds for equines and canines. The company was originally formed in 1990 and since then, has continued to make outstanding contributions to the world of animal healthcare. The meticulous research carried out by the Animal Health Company strongly reflects that of their motto, “committed to animal care.”
From the beginning - The history of The Animal Health Company
Since 1990, The Animal Health Company has evolved from a canine health and hygiene start up company, to a trusted, ‘one-stop-shop’ for market leading canine and equine health, hygiene and grooming products. The company was initially formed from the original management structure of VetHealth Ltd and Vet-tek Ltd. Consequently, the SP Equine company was bought and their products were merged into their existing equine product range. Their involvement in the progression of complementary animal health products has not gone unnoticed and has generated a great deal of recognition.
Innovations and Awards
The Animal Health Company pride themselves on creating ways in which animals receive the greatest benefits in the highest quantities from the herbal elements of their products. For this reason, they mastered the Therminfusex technique in 1993. This process is designed to manufacture liquid herbal products as it is believed that herbs in liquid form are more easily digested and absorbed by the body. The process involves the extraction of the ‘goodness’ of the herbs in water over a 24 hour period. Once this is achieved the additional ingredients are then added such as supplementary vitamins.
The Animal Health Company has received a number of commendable awards for the innovative ways in which their products increase the well-being, comfort and health of animal consumers. For example, in 1999 their NoBute product range won the Your Horse Readers Choice award, and in 2011 the company won the East Anglian Entrepreneur Business Award. Most recently in 2014 their own brand of luxury dog food, Westcotts Premium Dog Food, was awarded for Commitment to Excellence from Update Magazine. The Animal Health Company recognises change in this growing market and in 2011 they commissioned Graphic Evidence to take the reins in organising a re-brand of their ever-expanding product ranges. The achieved transformation and categorisation of their products has made their products extremely consumer-friendly and easy to recognise. Their ranges are comprised of NoBute, StableZone, Grooms Choice, Oz Oil, Health & Herbal, Grooming for Excellence and the Animal Hygiene Range; many of which are bestsellers and market leaders in their sector.
Their bestselling, and perhaps most recognisable, equine ranges include the NoBute range, which contains Devils Claw and is a herbal alternative to Phenylbutazone; and Stablezone, a hygiene range for the stable and equipment which includes Defence 7 – a DEFRA tested disinfectant. Click here to see the DEFRA approved disinfectants and select 'D' from the top of the page.
Staying at the top!
No other company manufactures products of the same magnitude that could rival The Animal Health Company’s extensive and varied range. The innovative ways in which their products are produced is a result of continued research that has resulted in the NoBute range becoming a market leader in comparison to other products of its type. Paul Westcott, Managing Director says, “We are innovators not imitators.” This demonstrates the quest of The Animal Health Company to continue to provide consumers with ground-breaking herbal alternatives.
The future of The Animal Health Company looks set to be filled with further success and achievement. When discussing the company’s plans for the upcoming prospects Paul explains, “The company is looking to expand their range to include their own brand of canine food and equine feed. We have conquered the equine and canine range and plan to continue to maintain the excellent quality of these. And more recently have released our health and hygiene ranges for poultry.” In addition to this, the success and effectiveness of their Defence 7 range has resulted in the product being exported to other countries, including Thailand. The company is currently working to expand the export areas to include Vietnam and Malaya.
The duration of the company’s existence has been invested in expansion, research and providing flagship products that mark a commendable contribution to the improvement of animal health and welfare. With a past that is filled with success, the future of the company looks set to offer animal owners with further innovative products to improve the condition and well-being of their pets and livestock.
"Committed to Animal Care" - The Animal Health Company motto
Company Registration Number: 02538607
VAT Registration Number: GB 570599507
Registered Address: The Maltings, Rosemary Lane, Halstead, Essex, CO9 1HZ